
榎本 眞三 / Shinzo Enomoto

Member of Advisory Boards
Universitas International Batam, Indonesia

■ 経歴

千葉県公設試験研究機関において、中小規模企業の機械加工技術向上の指導、及び研究・開発に従事した。また、産学官による千葉県機械加工研究会を設置し、主要委員として千葉県主催の第1回生産技術に関する国際会議を開催した。その後、シンガポール国立製造技術研究所 (Singapore Manufacturing Technology Institute) に移り、主席上級研究員・プロジェクトマネージャとして、主に、日本企業との機械加工技術、半導体製造技術、及び人材育成などの国際プロジェクトの設置・管理を担当した。1995年、日本精密工学会と共催し、主要委員として第1回精密技術に関する国際会議(ICoPE)を、シンガポールで開催した。



■ 研究・開発プロジェクト

  • レーザによる水晶発振器のトリミングプロセスに関する研究
  • cBN切削工具の摩耗機構の解明に関する研究
  • 技術市場開発プロセスのフレームワークに関する研究
  • 高圧容器の強度解析
  • 運動用具の動的挙動解析
  • 電灯ポール強度標準設定のための強度分布解析
  • 高層建築物用クレーンタワーの応力解析
  • 長橋検査車の牽引力特性解析
  • アルミ材を用いた天井型走行クレーンガータの応力解析
  • 航空機エンジン用タービンブレードの切削・研削加工システムの開発
  • 航空機エンジン搬送用コンテナシステムの開発
  • コラーゲン抽出技術とその製造システムの開発
  • ゴルフヘッドの自動研削・ポリシングシステムの開発
  • 楕円形状を有する輪郭切削システムの開発
  • ウェーハ研削用チャックの開発

■ 専門分野


■ キーワード


■ コメント



■ 社会貢献活動

(財)千葉県産業振興センター 千葉中小企業元気づくり基金事業審査 委員会副委員長(2007~現在に至る)
(社)プロジェクトマネジメント学会 特任理事(2009~現在に至る)
米国技術者協会 シンガポール支部技術委員会委員長(1992~1997)
(財)素形材センター 金型産業国際戦略委員会委員(2001)
千葉大学電子光情報基礎技術センター 推進委員会委員(2003)
(財)高齢者雇用開発協会 共同研究外部研究者(2004)
新エネルギー開発機構 技術委員会委員(2004~2006)
経済産業省エネルギー庁 総合資源エネルギー調査委員会臨時委員(2004~2008)
(独)産業技術総合研究所 ものづくり・IT融合化推進技術研究開発委員会委員(2004)
(財)機械振興協会 新機械振興賞選定小委員会幹事(2005~2008)

■ 研究実績


(3)ASM  HANDBOOK  (Surface Engineering)、共著、ASM International、1994


1)   S.Enomoto, M.Kato and S.Miyazawa, Cutting Characteristic and the
Mechanism of Flank Wear of CBN Cutting Tools in the Turning of
Steels, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Production Engineering, (Nov, 1987, in Japanese).

2)  S.Enomoto, M.Kato and S.Miyazawa, Flank Wear of CBN Cutting Tools of Various Composition, Journal of Mechanical Working Technology, Vol.17, (Aug.1988) pp.177-1 86, (ELSEVIR).

3)  M.Kato, S.Enomoto and Y.Saito, Working Action of Drill of Beginning of
Cutting, Journal of Precision Engineering, Vol.17, (Aug.1988) pp. 187-192.
(in Japanese)

4)   S.Enomoto and M.Kato, Cutting Characteristic of CBN Cutting Tools in the Turning Chromium-Molybdenum Steels of Various Hardness, Journal of Japan Society of Precision Engineering ( SPE), Vol.55, N0.6 (Jun, 1989) pp.119-124. (in Japanese)

5)  M.Kato, S.Enomoto, Y.Saito and T.Hanaoka, Development of Measuring Apparatus for Drill Wandering Motion, Journal of JSPE, Vo.156, N0.1 (Jan. 1990) pp.175-180. (in Japanese)

6)  S.Enomoto and M.Kato. Merchantability of BN-X Composite Ceramics in Tuning, Proceedings of International Conference on New Manufacturing Technology, (Mar.1990), pp.39-44, (Japan).

7)  K.Higuchi, T.Hanaoka, Y.Saito, T.loi, S.Enomoto and H.Ishi, Flexible Finishing System in Belt Grinding, Proceedings of International Conference on New Manufacturing Technology, (Mar. 1990) pp.211-216, (Japan).

8)  M.Kato, S.Enomoto, Y.Saito and T.Hanaoka. Cutting Behavior of Drill Point At Beginning of Drilling, Journal of JSPE, Vol.56. N0.8. (Aug. 1990), pp.105-113. (in Japanese)

9)  J.Akbari, Y.Saito, T.Hanaoka and S.Enomoto. Acoustic Emission Signal                 Analysis for In-Process Detection of Scratching Damage in Ceramics, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on High Technology, (Feb.1992) pp.321-324, (Japan).

10) T.loi, T.Hanaoka, S.Enomoto, l.Shirai and T.Haku, On the Survey Research of CIM, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Promotion of Scientific and Technological Progress in the Far East, (Sep.1992) pp.184-187, (China).

11) J.Akbari, Y.Saito, T.Hanaoka and S.Enomoto, In-Process Monitoring of Ceramics Grinding Using Acoustic Emission Signal Analysis, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High Technology, (Sep.1992) pp.383-388, (Japan).

12) S.Enomoto and M.Kato, Development of Tool Damage Detector for Drilling Process for Small Diameter Drills, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on High Technology, (Sep.1992) pp.389-392, (Japan).

13) J.Akbari, Y.Saito, T.Hanaoka and S.Enomoto, Detection of Cutting Mode During Scratching of Ceramics Using Acoustic Emission, International Journal of The Japan Society of Precision Engineering Vol.27, N0.1 , (Mar.1993)  pp.3540-3545. (in Japanese)

14) S.Enomoto and Yap KT, Chip Size Fineness Produce in Cutting, Transaction of The North America Manufacturing Research, Vol.21 , (May. 1993) pp.247-251.

15) S.Enomoto, Un HH. SI. Flank D.Um, Hayashi, and Shinoda, Development of a Machining Detection Support System, Proceedings of International Conference of Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.2, (Sep. 1993) pp.634-648, (Singapore).

16) S.Enomoto, T.loi, T.Hanaoka and I.lrie, Manufacturing System in Small and Medium Size Companies in Japan, Proceedings of Imitational Conference of Integrated Manufacturing, Vol.2, (Sep. 1993) pp. 117-122, (Singapore).

17) S.Higuchi, Y.Saito, T.Hanaoka, T.loi, and S.Enomoto, Automation of Belt Grinding Process Based on the Analysis of Skilled Worley Movements, Journal of JSPE, Vol.60, No.10, (Oct.1994) pp.1444-1449. (in Japanese)

18) J.Akbari, Y.Saito, T.Hanaoka and S.Enomoto, Acoustic Emission and Deformation Mode in Ceramics Dorling Indention, Journal of The Japan Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.37, N0.4, (Apr.1994) pp.488-494.

19) J.Akbari, Y.Saito, T.Hanaoka and S.Enomoto, Acoustic Emission Characteristics in  Multipoint Scratching of Fine Ceramics, Journal of Advancement of Intelligent Production, JSPE Publication Series N0.1 , (Sep. 1 994) pp.362-367.

20) J.Akbari, Y.Saito, T.Hanaoka and S.Enomoto, Using Acoustic Emission for Monitoring of Grinding Process of Fine Ceramics, Journal of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, Vol.38, N0.1 , (Feb.1 995) pp.1 75-180.

21) J.Akbari, Y.Saito, T.Hanaoka and S.Enomoto, Effect of Grinding Parameters on Acoustic Emission Signal While Grinding of Engineering Ceramics, Proceedings of International Conference on Precision Engineering, Singapore, (Nov.1 995) pp.40-43

22) Zhong ZW, PL.Teo and S.Enomoto, Surface Finish of Fine Face-milled Super-Alloys with Carbide Ceramics and CBN Tools, Proceedings of International Conference on Precision Engineering, (Nov.1 995) pp.565-568 (Singapore).

23) Lin HH., S.Enomoto and T.Lee, Effect of Tools Geometry on Tuning Super alloy, Proceedings of International Conference on Precision Engineering, (Nov.1995), pp.40-43, (Singapore).

24) Lu X.D. LC.Lee, ET.Tan and S.Enomoto, Development of New Milling Cutter for Inconel Machining, Proceedings of International Conference on Precision Engineering, Taiwan, (Sep.1996) pp.219-224, (Chinese Taipei).

25) J.Akbari, Y.Saito, T.Hanaoka and S.Enomoto, Effect of Grinding Parameter on Acoustic Emission Signals While Grinding of Engineering Ceramics, Journal of Material Processing Technology 62, (Nov.1996) pp.403-407.

26) T.loi, S.Enomoto, Kato, Matsunaga and MY.Omuratag, Collaborative Manufacturing Engineering Education and Research in Japan, Proceedings of International Conference  of ASEE, (Jun.1999) CD-ROM, Session 2263, (USA).

27) T.Ono, T.Togashi, S.Enomoto and T.Kurita, An Investigation on Quantitative Evaluation of Flexibility of Manufacturing System, Journal of the Society of Project Management, Vol.1 , N0.1 , (Jul.1999) pp.20-25. (in Japanese)

28) T.Ono, T.Togashi, S.Enomoto and T.Kurita, A Methodology for the design of a manufacturing system, Journal of the Society of Project Management, Vol.2, N0.1 , (Feb.2000) pp.30-36. (in Japanese)

29) K.Kato, K.Tanaka, T.loi, S.Enomoto, H.Kato, M.Kobayashi, M.Matsunaga And Noorani, Evaluation Method for Barrel Finished Surface Using SEM, Proceedings of International Conference on Precision Engineering 2000, (5th ICDMT), (Mar.2000) pp.1 33-138, (Japan).

30) S.Enomoto, T.loi. K.Kato, LB.Zhou and XD.Lu, Burr Reduction with Fine-Scrape Cutter, Proceedings of International Conference on Precision Engineering 2000, (5th ICDMT), (Mar.2000) pp.651-656, (Japan).

31) A.Takanashi, T.Seki and S.Enomoto, Research and Development Collaboration in Asia, Journal of the Society of Project Management. Vol.2, N0.2, (Mar, 2000) pp.27-32. (in Japanese)

32) K.Kato, T.Ioi, S.Enomoto, H.Ichinomiya, M.Matsumoto and Y.Yamada, Visual Inspection System for Surface Defects of Transparent Lenses, Journal of JSPE, V0166, No.5, (May.2000) pp. 742-746. (in Japanese)

33) T.Ioi and S.Enomoto, Project Management for New Manufacturing System, Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Education, 2001, (CD-ROM), ICEE, (USA).

34) K.Kato, T.Ioi and S.Enomoto, Method of Defective Recognition for Finished Surface, Journal of the Japan Society for Abrasive Technology, Vol.145, No.11,(2001) pp.518-522. (in Japanese)

35) S.Enomoto, T.Ioi, K.Kato, LB.Zhou and XD.Lu, Burr reduction with surface-scrape cutter, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, ELSEVIER 124, (2002) pp.255-258.

36) S.Enomoto, K.Kato and M.Ezawa, Study on Research and Development Project with Local Government Support, Report of Chiba Institute of Technology, 2003, (Japan). (in Japanese)

37) Y.Jitukawa, K.Kato and S.Enomoto, Study on Found Raising Method by Secretion for Research and Development Project, ProMAC2004), (CD-POM), SPM, (Japan).

38) S.Enomoto, K.Kato and M.Kato, Shortening of Die Production Using Project Management, Proceedings of 15th IPMA World Congress, (2005), (India).

39) A.Yamazaki, M.Sakagawa, T.Seki and S.Enomoto, Study on the Communication with Users of a Program which Officially Support R&D, Proceedings of 15th IPMA World Congress, (2005), (India).

40) A.Yamazaki, M.Sakagawa, T.Seki and S.Enomoto, Peer Review as Tool in R&D Program Management, Journal of Project Management, Vol.18, No.2, 2006, SPM (in Japanese)

41) A.Shinohara, T.Horiuchi, T.Seki and S.Enomoto, Project Evaluation by SD Modeling, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Project Management (ProMAC2006), (CD-ROM), (Sidney).

42) H.Hosogane, K.Kato and S.Enomoto, Study on Risk Assessment for Financing Development Type Real-Estate Project, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Project Management (ProMAC2006), (CD-ROM), (Sidney).

43) S.Kawasaki, K.Kato and S.Enomoto, A Study on Improvement of Baseball Management with Projectzed Organization, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Project Management (ProMAC2006), (CD-ROM), (Sidney).

44) K.Kato, T.Ioi and S.Enomoto, Evaluation Method on Barrel Finicing Surface Using Visual System, Journal of the Society of Japan Mechanical Engineering, Vol.73, No.728, pp.1202-1207, (2007).(in Japanese)

45) T.Noguchi, A.Yamazaki, K.Kato and S.Enomoto, Research on Enterprise Project Risk Management, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Project Management (ProMAC2008), (Anchorage, Alaska),

46) D.Aoshima, A.Yamazaki, K.Kato and S.Enomoto, Research on Risk Management for Originated of Humane-error, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Project Management (ProMAC2008), (Alaska),

47) Y.Akiba, K.Kato, Y.Takeda and S.Enomoto. A study on the risk identification that applied text mining at a project initial stage. ( ProMAC Symposium 2009). (Bangkok)

48) S.Kishimoto, K.Kato, M,Hattori, Y.Takeda and S.Enomoto. Assignment of Effective Human Resources in Project Team. ( ProMAC Symposium 2009). (Bangkok)

49) N.Ehara, Y.Takeda and S.Enomoto. A Method of Risk Management Applying QFD. ( ProMAC Symposium 2009). (Bangkok)

50) M.Ishibashi, T.Horiuchi, K.Kato, Y.Takeda and S.Enomoto. Research and Risk Factor Extraction and Evaluation Using Competency. ( ProMAC Symposium 2009). (Bangkok)
Another about 70 papers was published / representative.






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